Benefits of our Helichrysum Italicum Oil
Benefits of our Helichrysum Italicum Oil
1. Skin Antibiotic and Antifungal
Helichrysum’s flavonoids and terpene compounds are effective against bacteria and fungus growth that can cause various skin irritations, including rashes, infections and delayed wound healing.
To use helichrysum essential oil for soothing and healing the skin, combine with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil and rub the mixture onto the face to prevent hives, redness, blemishes, rashes and shaving irritation. If you have a rash or poison ivy, applying helichrysum mixed with lavender oil can help cool and soothe any itching.
2. Sunburn Relief and Skin Cancer Protector
Helichrysum can help hydrate burnt skin and relieve the pain following sunburns. It can also decrease signs of aging on the skin and block UV-light damage that can contribute to the formation of skin cancer. You can mix a small amount of the oil with a bit of coconut oil and apply it directly to the affected area to relieve pain and support healthy skin renewal.
3. Natural Hemorroid Soother
To help reduce pain and swelling of hemorrhoids, apply 3-4 drops with a cotton ball to the affected area. Repeat every few hours as needed to ease pain, inflammation and swelling.